Ricardo Pustanio 2009
October 31st, 2009
Ricardo Pustanio 2009
Join H.P.I. at the Truckee Hotel  for a haunted evening of Ghosts and Ghouls...
September 19th, 2009
Pre Party #1- September 12th, Main Street in Placerville. "Girls Night Out"...
Join Ms. Macabre, Lady Amphora and Crystal of Gothic Rose Antiques in a
ghoulish fashion show with some of the sexiest vixens this side of the grave.
More Info
Pre Party #2-Oct 10-11th, Witchapalooza at Cal Expo. www.GotWitch.com for
more details.  Get your $20.00 tickets at the HPI Booth. Enter to win Saw 6

Pre Party #3- Oct 10th - Darkness at Old Ironsides. Come join The Demon
Warrior, Lady Amphora & Ms. Macabre at the OFFICIAL Pre Party for the
2009 Vampire Ball.  Giving away two free tix to the ball. Come out in
costume and try to win.