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Put the "VAMP" in Vampire Contest
OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES (Subject to change by the Vampire Ball)
This year Shannon McCabe's Vampire Ball will be putting the VAMP in Vampire with
the " Put the VAMP in Vampire Pin up Pageant" for cash & prize packages.
Pageant final judging is at the Vampire Ball October 25, 2014
After Entry in the VAMP in VAMPire Pin Up Pageant, EACH CONTESTANT WILL
RECEIVE THESE ITEMS AND BENEFITS from the Vampire Ball 2014.
* Each contestants will receive a sash to wear at events. This sash will be the
contestants to keep win or lose. The VAMPIRE Queen and her 1st and 2nd runner
up will then receive an additional I'm A Vamp sash for publicity appearances. This
will be theirs to keep at the end of their reign in 2015.
* Scheduled publicity shots and exciting portfolio photos shot by some well known
photographers for each contestant to keep for their portfolio. There is no additional
cost or hidden fee for these portfolio photos as they remain the property of the
Vampire Ball for future advertising. Each contestant will receive one printed
professional 8x10 head shot to keep for their portfolio and two other prints to keep
for of the photographers choice. These will also be emailed to each contestant.
* A special facebook 'page' to promote themselves provided by the Vampire Ball.
LIKES do not count as votes. Votes on the website .
* Pageant entry deadline 9/13/2014 at 9pm PST.
* A panel of illustrious judges will watch the contestants walk the stage, pivot, strike
a pose for the photographer, before exiting the stage.
* The 1st Prize winner the VAMPire Pin Up Queen who "Put the VAMP in Vampire"
will get an exciting prize package that includes cash and some very unique prizes
and gifts. Including the VAMPire Pin Up Queen will also win a Vampire Ball spokes
modeling contract for one year that includes a minimum of two public appearances,
exciting portfolio photos to keep shot by some well known photographers. The
VAMPire Pin Up Queen's reign will last a full year. The VAMPire Pin Up Queen will
also crown next years new VAMPire Pin Up Queen at the 2015 Vampire Ball.
* There will also be a 1st and 2nd runner ups who will also win special prize
packages of gifts. Public appearances as ambassadors of the Vampire Ball will result
in candid digital photos for your portfolios (printed photos are at the photographer's
* Must be present at the Vampire Ball & Semi Finals TBA to win the pageant.
* Must be 21 or over to enter the pageant.
* A costume or pin up style of outfit is required for the entry photos. Lingerie or
bathing suit shots must be tasteful and at the discretion of the Vampire Ball. If you
are unsure, send them and we will let you know. We want a sexy dressed or semi
dress Vamp or Pin Up style Vamp. NO NUDITY in the submission of the entry photos
or on your VAMP Facebook page. Please submit your photos by emailing them to Must submit at least one photograph of you. We will post
up to 4 photos of you online and social medias. You may also submit a short bio if
you desire. A form will be provided for your bio.
* You may NOT solicit other activities and/ or events on your Facebook profile page
given to you by the Vampire Ball. This page is solely for use to promote you as a
VAMP Pin Up Queen.
* Cost of entry is $40. Payable at time of entry. This includes the entry fee to the
Vamp in VAMPire Pageant and a ticket to the Vampire Ball. This also includes the
aforementioned photo shoot and digital photos for your portfolio. Deadline to
enter the pageant is 9/13/2014 at 9pm PST.
* This years 6th annual Vampire Ball 2014 will be held in Roseville, CA at the Placer
County Fairgrounds. The Ball begins at 8:00pm and goes until last call for alcohol.
* $ 40.00 entry fee can be paid at
once it is paid. Please submit your photos by email to Your
webpage and social media will then be put in place with your entry photo. You will
also receive your sash and further instructions soon after you enter the pageant.
There are no additional fees for participation and your entry includes a ticket to the
Vampire Ball.
* This IS OPEN TO ACTORS & Vampire Ball Participants. YOU WILL BE ELIGIBLE
for the prizes. You must pay the $ 40.00 entry fee as any other contestant and you
will receive a guest pass for a friend instead of a ticket to the Ball.
* The Vampire ball reserves the right to change or modify any and all terms of the
contest or prize packages as deemed necessary by The Vampire Ball.

$40.00, 21+ ONLY, You wil be sent instrutions & confirmation via email within 24 hours. No Refunds will be issued on contest entry.