Romanian League in Defense of Animals
(ROLDA USA) is a registered 501-c-3
charity in USA (EIN: 32-0176929) since
An Idea of where your
money goes:
Deworming with Biheldon
or Drontal costs about
$10 USD /box;
External flea control,
using Advocate,
Advantix, or Frontline,
costs about $7.50 per
dog, at $30 USD /box;
Disinfectant costs $24 for
1 kilogram of Ecocid.
Milk replacer is $17 USD
Vaccinating a dog against
rabies with DHPPi2L
costs $4.30 USD.
Petlovers, Prima Food,
or Best Choice dry dog
food costs from $1.2 USD
to $2.8 USD /dog /day.
Please visit for
information on adoptions & how
you can help.