Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Diagnosing Here
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee
Read the Ginger Henderson story here
Romanian Animals need your help! Please donate to Shannon & Paul's favorite Cause,
Witchapalooza! Kristy Swanson &
Malcolm McDowell interviews here
Haunted Gay High School, TX Here
"I Wanna Rock and Roll All Night" KISS
A Haunting interview about FEMA here
Interview with Medium Melodie here
HPI Haunted locations here
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager/Ghostwriter
This may be the mother of all investigations, as I write this in real time. Here is the situation. The
occupants that lived here have moved out, leaving some of their possessions behind. The negative activity
in this apartment (apartment 86) was too much for them to handle. Mia (occupant) says that an entity tried
to snatch her baby from her arms. The occupants started having mood swings. The atmosphere in the
apartment became hostile. They felt like their lives were in danger and it was time to get out for their own
safety. They left the key under the mat and told me that my investigators have free reign of their
apartment. They are merely curious on what kind of evidence we will find tonight.
To see pictures from this investigation, please stop by here:
I had a briefing with my investigators and placed Mia on the speaker phone. Mia tells us that the family that
lived in this apartment previously before them faced a hostage situation, in which the male occupant
placed his family under his gun. The male occupant killed his family (possibly 3 family members) and then
placed the gun to his head and shot himself. I am still trying to verify this incident. I did discover that there
was a stabbing death outside of the apartment complex. Mia once saw a black fog move down the hallway
and her boyfriend felt something sitting on his chest. They would get many hot spots in the apartment and
there was a time when the apartment became unbearably hot. Note: Black mist, black fog and black smoke
are an indication of demonic activity. Hot spots are also an indication of demonic activity vs. a cold spot
that is usually ghost activity.
I am having a few sets of 40 minute investigative sessions to see what we can find. Since I have a small
ability to go wherever they want in the apartment.
Equipment being used this night are: 4 Static Night Vision Cameras and DVR, 2 Sony Night Shot
Camcorders, 2 Sony Night Shot Cameras, 4 Digital Voice Recorders, Monitor, EMF Detector, HD
Panasonic Pro Camcorder, Still Temperature Gauge, and Directional Microphone (provided by Placer
Paranormal Other equipment: digital audio recorders, flashlights, digital
cameras, digital video cameras, 3 walkie talkies, Toshiba laptop.
Let's do an HPI roll call.
HPI Paranormal Investigators present: Staci Butler, Peter Devera and Randy Annis of Placer Paranormal;
Timothy Dennehy and Ghost his dog; Stephanie Belson; Shari Aresta and Cynthia Meadows. Lead
Investigator: Paul Dale Roberts.
Before, I discuss the investigation further, we are promoting the new movie:
Twilight: New Moon for Summit Entertainment. Thank you Ryan from Terry Hines & Associates for
providing us with the cool New Moon t-shirts, New Moon collector cards & bracelets, New Moon pens and
New Moon posters! Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe went to Thursday night's midnight movie premiere
and absolutely loved the movie. There was a huge line outside of the door that went completely around the
building. Lucky for Shannon, she got right in thanks to the GM of Regal Cinemas, Rex. We'll be doing
an HPI night on the 27th of November to see New Moon, come with us! Evite OR
Events Page
Everyone loves vampires, and the vampires of New Moon are absolutely hot! Note: Shannon also went to a
KISS concert before seeing the midnight premiere movie New Moon. Yes! Shan had a fun night that night!
Now back to the investigation:
Our first briefing, Randy tried to debunk the black mist sighting by turning on the heater and air
conditioning to see if any debris was coming out of the AC filters. We did not see any debris. There are
exceptionally high EMF readings throughout the apartment, which could cause hallucinations, depression
and even anger. On the monitors we found some erratic orb movement, we saw orbs that moved in various
directions unlike a dust orb that will fall straight down slowly. This will need to be analyzed further. There
are gnats in the apartment which could look like orbs in our photographic evidence. Note: Staci later
dismissed the erratic movement of the orbs as being the gnats! Stephanie mentioned that when she first
entered the apartment, she felt some depression that could be place memories. Stephanie, who has
psychic abilities, has not felt anything during the first investigative session. Staci feels the air ducts could
be transmitting voices and smells from other rooms, which could be misinterpreted as paranormal. Timothy
says that when he first entered the apartment he felt sadness. Timothy picked up orb activity on one of his
As the night progressed, no EVPs were captured. No anomalies were captured in our still photos and
video. We commenced with a séance. Staci and Stephanie did some provoking during the séance without
any substantial results. No EVPs were captured during the séance. We utilized 3 walkie talkies in the
séance, to see if the entities wanted to talk through the walkie talkies, no success. I have been successful
in past séances using walkie talkies in which the entities would communicate through the walkie talkies with
intelligent responses back to the investigator. See past article entitled: A Séance that Produced Very
Scary Results.
No substantial findings indicating paranormal activity.
I believe the high EMF (electro magnetic field) readings in this apartment are causing disturbances that
are felt by the occupants.
From Shannon McCabe: "Paul I think that was just the Mother of all EMF readings! Not everything is a
ghost. (but you know that) Tee hee"
And from our friends at the Sacramento Horror Film Festival:
Sac Para Con
JUNE 5 2010
Sierra 2 Center
2791 24th Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
Special Guests... (just added) Shannon McCabe, Paul Dale Roberts of HPI, Chip Coffey of Paranormal
State & Psychic Kids, Michele Babiarz of the PSI Network, and Chris Moon of Haunted Times Magazine!
Below is why I think conferences and conventions are important:
Paranormal conferences and conventions are essential in getting information out to the public. Many
people experience the paranormal and have no one to relate their experiences with. At a conference or
convention, they are consulting with people that live and breathe the paranormal. We are here to
understand, to seek out the truth and to exchange knowledge. Paranormal conferences and conventions
are one more key in unlocking the unknown. We hope to see you at the Sacramento Para Con at Sierra 2
on June 5th, 2010!
Shannon "Ms. Macabre" McCabe on Good Day Sacramento. Vampire, Lady Amphora was hiding in the shadows...
Click on the picture to read Shannon's
interview given by Bill Compton of True
Blood and Edward Cullen of Twilight!
KISS at ARCO Arena Nov 19th
Read interview with author Pamela
Glasner here:
New Moon Swag hits Sacramento Thanks to Shannon & Carol!