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Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here

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Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009 all rights reserved.
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The haunted Oroville Cottage Here:
The Haunted Ione Hotel with Evidence
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Visited by ET's: No Doubt Here

The March 20, 2010 Paranormal Scouting Mission
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager

I’m telling you, sometimes these paranormal scouting missions wear my axx out, but here I am again on
another scouting mission and I am doing this for my great friend TV Psychic Bobby Marchesso. Bobby is
bringing 3 high school boys to Sacramento to go on a real ghost hunt. I will be taking them to places that
we have been to a hundred times before. I have written about these places a hundred times and I am
thinking there is probably nothing to write about. I am wrong, on this night we did get some substantial


To see pictures of this investigation, stop by here:

Before I tell you about that substantial evidence, let’s take a roll call.

HPI Paranormal Investigators Roll Call: Shannon ‘Ms. Macabre’ McCabe/HPI Owner; Tim H - Senior
Investigator; Rita Reyes/Sensitive; Angelita Bouch’e-Reyes/Psychic; Chantal Apodaca/Psychic; Staci Butler;
Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior/HPI General Manager.

HPI Paranormal Investigating Scouts: Cara Degregorio; Bob Fulton; Richard Reyes; Bryce H.C. Lana; Ankit
Shah; Bobby Marchesso/TV Psychic; Christopher Wayne Dawson Anderson.

Special Note: Bobby Marchesso brought the Pasadena A.B.C. Investigating Team with him. They are Ankit,
Bryce and Christopher which is the acronym of A.B.C.

Locations We Went to: Fanny Anns, Old Sacramento Cemetery; Sacramento Railroad Museum, Vegas, F
Street Boarding House (Home of serial killer Doreathea Puente); Old Sacramento Tattoo Shop; Martinez
House on 22nd and H Street; Morris Solomon Jr. Murder Site at William Land Park; Fulton Underground
Restaurant; Evangelines, Delta King, Firehouse; former building that was once known as Gold Mine Shaft
and The Ritz; Tower Bridge; Old Sacramento Old School House; New Orleans Saloon. Note: Many of the
above mentioned places are located in Old Sacramento.

Evidence Captured: EVP that said ‘her’ at the Martinez Home, this EVP was captured by Ankit. Many
anomalies were captured in our photographs of moving orbs, multicolored orbs and some mist. Note: Orbs
are not solid evidence of paranormal activity, unless you can establish intelligent responses.

As I gave a walking tour of Sacramento at the establishments mentioned above, I have a new story. A
paranormal group called The Paranormal Curious 5 out of Fresno, claimed that clients of the building
formerly known as Gold Mine Shaft/The Ritz saw an apparition of a sinister little boy with a striped t-shirt, he
was no more than 3 feet high. The Paranormal Curious 5 said that at 3am (Dead Time) they asked the
entity what his name was and they received an EVP that said ‘Dobo’. The Paranormal Curious 5 said that
one of their group members was scratched. The scratch mark was on the investigator’s arm. They now
refer to the entity as ‘Dobo the Devil Boy’. I have not been able to validate their claim, but was able to hear
their EVP when they sent it to me by WAV file via email.

Cara and Angelita felt something brushing their hair or tugging on their hair according to Angelita. This
happened at the F Street Boarding House of Doreathea Puente.

Since there were so many people on the streets of Old Sacramento, it was impossible to obtain any EVP
evidence, we were fortunate to obtain one EVP at the Martinez home.

All in all this was a successful night. Now I am heading to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I am one
tired Fortean Investigator.

Special Note: Ankit, Bryce, Christopher and Bobby Marchesso are all spending the night at my home.
Thank you to Bobby after driving from Los Angeles to Sacramento, driving Ankit, Bryce, Christopher, Staci,
Chantal and me all around Sacramento. Yep, Bobby Marchesso is super tired. Thank you to Starbucks at
15th and Broadway for allowing us to use their restroom facilities during a much needed break.
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