The Phantom of Notorious B.I.G.
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager aka The Demon Warrior

Here I am enjoying HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigation International's) BBQ on a beautiful day. To see
pictures of the BBQ, click here:

Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe says we can bring our dogs. Well, I brought HPI (Pronounced Hi-Pee) and Pika.
HPI and Pika are causing a disturbance, because they are protecting me from the other dogs. Barking frantically,
Shannon had enough and asks me politely to take my two dogs home. While I am taking my misbehaving dogs
home, Shannon calls me on my cell and apologizes for asking me to take my pooches home. I am not upset about
it and I want the BBQ to be a success, so I was happy to oblige. Before Shannon gets off the phone, she asks if I
could call a potential client named Leon from Brooklyn. Since I have a good 30 minute drive home, it will break
the monotony of driving and listening to a good paranormal story, so I call Leon.

This is basically how the call went down, words to this effect:

Paul: "Hello Leon, this is Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager - Haunted and Paranormal Investigations
International, how can I help you?"

Leon: "Doin' fine, hey I have a situation."

Paul: "Yes?"

Leon: "A few of my homies got together and we were messin' with an Ouija Board. Do you know anything about
these boards?"

Paul: "Yes, it is a dangerous tool to summon entities from other realms. If you do not know how to utilize an Ouija
Board properly, you may place yourself in a dire situation. You may even open up a portal and bring in unwanted

Leon: "Well, I don't know all about that, but I do know is that we got the name of Biggie on the board and I think it
was Biggie Smalls that contacted us."

Paul: “Biggie Smalls the rapper? What makes you think that?"

Leon: "Yes, Notorious B.I.G., the rapper. The next message on the board was 'can't rest.'

            Notorious B.I.G.

Paul: "That doesn't prove that it was Biggie Smalls, the rapper."

Leon: "I know that, but then the air in the room came alive, it felt cold all over the place and then by the hallway,
we saw a big shadow, a tall shadow of a man. It was just there like it was staring at us. I've seen Biggie in concert
and the shadow had the same shape as Biggie!"

Paul: "That still doesn't prove that it was Biggie, but this is truly an interesting story. Do you mind if I write an
article about it?"

Leon: "Yeah, sure, leave my last name out of it, okay?"

Paul: "Not a problem. Did anything else happen after seeing the large man shadow?"

Leon: "I saw some flashes G, like I was in looking into a window or something."

Paul: "What do you mean looking through a window?"

Leon: "I was seeing I think the night streets of Los Angeles."

Paul: "Say that again."

Leon: "I thought I was seeing the streets of LA. I have never been to LA, but what I have seen in movies. Also, it
was night time. While seeing these streets, I felt like I was having an anxiety attack!"

Paul: "Interesting, you may be an empath. Able to attach the feelings and emotions of others, to experience their

Leon: "Like maybe I was seeing things with Biggie's eyes."

Paul: "I like to keep an open mind. Perhaps, just perhaps."

Leon: "Am I in any danger?"

Paul: "It doesn't look like it, but if your paranormal experiences continue, please contact me immediately. Promise
me that you and your friends will stop using the Ouija Board."

Leon: "Yeah, no problem."

Paul: "I can publish your story?"

Leon: "Sure".
Paul: “Remember. Playing with an Ouija Board can be dangerous, next time it won’t be Biggie, but it could be
something biggie'r that you bring through the portal.”

Leon: “Laughs”. “I hear ya.”

Paul: "Okay, keep in touch and contact me if you need my assistance."

Leon: "Aight. Late." Click.

Notorious B.I.G. movie trailer:

For you readers, who do not know who Biggie Smalls is, let me explain. Biggie Smalls or also known as The
Notorious B.I.G. was born in Brooklyn as Christopher George Latore Wallace. Biggie hit celebrity status with his
rapping lyrics. His hit song Hypnotize raised up the music charts. Biggie befriended rapper/movie star Tupac
Shakur and when Tupac was hit by bullets of a robbery that went wrong, he blamed it on his friend Biggie and his
entourage. Biggie and Tupac became rivals, Biggie represented East Coast rappers and Tupac represented
West Coast rappers. Tupac was murdered in Las Vegas and some of the blame fell on Biggie's shoulders. Biggie
felt his life was in danger and he was right, because on March 9, 1997 while Biggie and his entourage left a Los
Angeles party in 2 black GMC Suburbans, a black Chevy Impala pulled up alongside the vehicle that Biggie was
in. Biggie took some gunshots to the chest and died at Cedar-Sinai Hospital. Theories abound that either the
Southside Compton Crips, members of Deathrow Records and even the L.A.P.D. may have conspired to have
Biggie killed. Perhaps we will never know, or perhaps Biggie has stepped out of his grave and is trying to contact
empaths like Leon, because he wants his story told.

Biggie, what is it that you want to say? We are all ears!

Watch the South Park episode about contacting "Biggie" from beyond the grave!

Correction to Ryde Hotel and the Ghost of Bok Bok Man:
In this article, I mention that Al’s Place (Al the Wop) is located at Walnut Grove, when in reality it is located in

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
My comic book The Legendary Dark Silhouette is being made into a movie, see link below: - You can actually get involved with this movie, find out how!
Mysteries of Angels & Demons featuring Demonologist Paul Dale Roberts can be purchased at:
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.
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