
Question: Hi Rita, before we get into this interview, can you tell me something personal about yourself. the schools you went to, where you were born / raised, how about that first kiss from that
Answer: Well, I was born and raised in Sacramento . I attended A.M. Winn School , John F. Morse and
then my family moved to Elverta when I was in the 7th grade, where I attended Rio Linda Junior High and
High School. My first kiss? Paul, a lady never reveals the intimate moments of her life.
Question: Okay, let's get into the guts of this interview. How come you are known as Lady Seer?
Answer: I am known as Lady Seer because I am known to have dreams of either past, present or future
happenings. I also, tend to have a prophetic knowing of things that are about to happen in an awaken
state. A very close friend of mine dubbed me as Lady Seer, because that is how he envisioned me.
To see pictures of Rita, click on this link:
Note: Pictures were taken at McKinley Park, Doreatha Puente's F Street Boarding House and the
legendary 22nd & H Street Haunted House in Sacramento.
Question: Wow! When did the dreams start?
Answer: I cannot remember precisely when the dreams started but I know I was very young when I
started having the experience of being intuitive. I would have to say motherhood intensified my gift and I
do consider my dreams as a gift from God.
Question: Lady Seer, that is a great power and with great power comes great responsibility, so says
Stan Lee! Can you tell me some of your most descriptive dreams?
Answer: My prophetic dreams are very vivid, meaning, they are the type of dreams I will awaken to and
remember details and know the dream has a message for me. For instance, I once had a dream a friend
bought a new car and she came over to show me the car. In my dream I saw the make and color of the
car. The next day I could not shake the dream, so I asked my friend if by chance they had bought a new
car and discovered they had and that I knew the make and color of the car all from my dream!
Question: What do you think some of the dreams are telling you?
Answer: At times my dreams can be as insignificant as a friend buying a new car but most often they tell
me what my friends are experiencing or have experienced. My dreams can also be a warning about the
direction for my own life.
Question: Do you call yourself a psychic or an intuitive and why?
Answer: I do not in anyway consider myself psychic. I think my best description of myself would be as an
intuitive. Not everything I experience comes by way of a dream. At times I have a sense of intuition or
instinct. I am learning to embrace and develop this gift as a way to guide my life as well as others.
Question: Do you ever consider your dreams to be dreams of prophesy? Give me an example.
Answer: I once had a dream that I seen a close family relative lying in a coffin calling out to me and
asking me to help because he did not want to die. This family member within the year passed away. I felt
very sad that at the time I didn't trust my dreams enough to know it was a premonition of what was going
to happen. If I trusted myself more, maybe I could have saved his life.
Question: Besides dreams, do you also have visions?
Answer: I create my own visions. What I mean by that is that I envision what I want for my life and I make
it happen by speaking it into my life. I am believer in the power of words and I believe we create our own
existence with what we speak into existence.
Question: Are your dreams so real, that it is hard to distinguish reality from your dreams?
Answer: You've heard of the term Deja Vu? Well, it something like that when I dream, and the dreams
come true, I tend to question myself as to whether it is reality or something else.
Question: How did you become a ghosthunter?
Answer: I actually became involved in ghosthunting by means of my niece Chantal Apodaca, who is one
of your paranormal investigators and invited me along on an investigation once. haven't
been able to get rid of me since.
Question: I hear that you are going to add Ufologist to your resume, by attending the Lawrence
Livermore Lab UFO Scouting Mission. Why are you interested in UFOs?
Answer: I love the thought that there is another form of life that exists. There has to be. The universe is
so vast, how can there not be more out there to the mystery of life and beyond.
Question: Do you believe in ghosts?
Answer: Yes, I do believe in ghosts. My youngest daughter, when she was 9 years has seen the ghost of
a deceased family member as I mentioned above and she seen him with a glowing light surrounding him.
I know she was telling the truth because she was so moved by this experience. I have personally never
seen a ghost but have experienced during our ghost hunts some strange happenings that just solidified
my belief in ghosts and the afterlife.
Question: What was your best case that you worked on with HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations
Answer: I have to say the most astounding thing to happen to me was in San Mateo when I was in a
walk-in closet in the dark to gather EVPs and while a picture was being snapped the flash of the camera
lit up the closet enough for me to look down and see the words "See You" on my digital voice recorder.
No explanation as to how those words would appear on the screen, but it was enough to cause me to
bolt out of the closet.
Question: Let's go lighter on this interview; tell me about your family life.
Answer: Well, I am married and have been for 27 yrs to Mark Reyes, who was my high school
sweetheart. We have 3 adult children and 3 beautiful grandchildren.
Little sidenote: Mark Reyes is also an HPI Paranormal Investigator and he looks like a young Robert
DeNiro, I kid you not and even has the mannerisms and personality of Robert DeNiro!! Paul.
Question: How can someone contact you?
Answer: I can be reached at my email address:
Question: What kind of music do you like, your favorite songs? Born on the Bayou by Credence
Clearwater Revival, There's Hope by Indie Arie. I am a huge fan of Madonna and love most of her music.
Answer: I am so diverse when it comes to music. I probably love classic rock the most, but love R&B,
blues, jazz and oldies but goodies.
Question: Where are some of the places you have traveled too?
Answer: Paul, there are so many places I have yet to visit and I am expecting to one day, but thus far,
I've been to Hawaii , the island of Oahu , Puerto Vallarta , Mazatlan , Cabo San Lucus. I have been to
Vegas. A lot of people may not know that I have actually lived in Rantoul , Illinois and Abilene , Texas in
the early 80s.
Question: Hey, I am on Facebook, you can find me here: (little self about you, are you on
Facebook -- as if I didn't know..LOL)?
Answer: Yes, I am on Facebook as well
Question: What movies, cartoons, TV shows do you like?
Answer: To be perfectly honest, I don't watch much television. I must admit I am an American Idol fan. I
love watching movies. My favorite movie is Ghost, go figure. I do like romantic movies..go figure again
Paul's comments: Ghost is cool Rita, but, give me Ghostbusters! LOL!
Question: If someone made a movie about your life, who would play your part and why?
Answer: Well funny you would ask this question, but without sounding vain, I have had various people
say I resemble Eva Longoria, whether it is true or not, I think I would like her to play me because she is
definitely a woman of class and beauty.
Question: What are your favorite books, comic books do you like?
Answer: Reading is my favorite hobby. I am a fan of most self-help books and biographies. I love
anything that allows me to walk away with knowledge to become a better and more complete person. I
like books by Miguel Ruiz, Dewayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra to name a few. I love some of the
Bluewater line of comics, such as William Shatner's Tek War, The WASPS (WWII women heroines),
Logan 's Run. Women superheroes I admire for their strength and intelligence are: Scarlet Witch,
Elektra, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Rogue! Throw in X-Men's Storm too!
Question: What are your hobbies and recreational activities?
Answer: Well, I mentioned reading, but I also enjoy riding with my husband on our Harley. Traveling and
camping. I am very much into Health and Wellness, therefore, I walk and run.
Question: Hey, am I a good boss (smile)?
Answer: You're the boss? (smile) Of course, you are a great boss and a great friend.
Question: Lady Seer, you are a gorgeous woman, enjoy your paranormal adventures, any last words of
wisdom for our readers?
Answer: Yes, I want all your readers to know that we all have gifts and many of us are unaware of them
or have not tapped into them yet, maybe because of fear of the unknown, or because we are worried
about what others would think of us, but it is truly a gift to be given to each of us, because each of us
are special and have a purpose in life to help one another. So, gifts may not necessarily be paranormal
but whatever they are they should be embraced and not wasted as to reach your most highest of
Paul's final comments: Thank you for the excellent interview Lady Seer. Now that this interview is
finished, let me tell you about a New York case I am working on. See below:
New York Haunting:
I have been working this case for a while now and it's kind of difficult, since my client is in New York and I
am in California . The client is Alexis Diane Farmer and for the longest time she has been experiencing
the following: a) opening and shutting of cabinet doors; b) knob turns on its own in the sink; c) orbs seen
floating around and she can see the orbs with the naked eye; d) she feels a menacing presence around
her all the time, it scares her so much, she gets goosebumps constantly; e) her cats are constantly
freaking out. Now the dreams have come, she dreams of evil clowns surrounding her bed watching her.
Another dream, she is walking out of her home and people are dying all around her. In another horrid
dream, she follows a trail of blood and finds her parents butchered in the bedroom. Her cat is hung by its
neck as it turns round and round on the ceiling fan. The last time I assisted Allie the activity subsided for
a considerable amount of time, but now it has came back and it's stronger than ever. She is asking for
help from paranormal investigators in her area of New York . She can be reached at: Allie my prayers are with you. Godspeed.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator &
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
My comic book The Legendary Dark Silhouette is being made into a movie, see link below: - You can actually get involved with this movie, find out how!
Mysteries of Angels & Demons featuring Demonologist Paul Dale Roberts can be purchased at:
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
Staff Writer - Alien Seeker News -
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI
Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.