Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Diagnosing Here
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Read about the Avatar or Hope vs. The
Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee
Read the Ginger Henderson story here
Romanian Animals need your help! Please donate to Shannon & Paul's favorite Cause,
Witchapalooza! Kristy Swanson &
Malcolm McDowell interviews here
Haunted Gay High School, TX Here
A Haunting interview about FEMA here
Interview with Medium Melodie here
HPI Haunted locations here
Read interview with author Pamela
Glasner here:
Read a haunting in Stockton Tyrol
Lane + New Moon Here
Read a haunting in Fort Bragg Here
Read interview with Carol Castro Here:
Read UFO Incident at Fort Benning Here
Read about the Valencia Club Here:
"Canned Heat" Jamiroquai Napoleon Dynamite Sountrack

By Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
The date is January 9, 2010, Saturday. We are heading back to the Ione Hotel. Arriving at my home is the
owner/paranormal investigator of HPI (Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International) Shannon ‘Ms.
Macabre’ McCabe and paranormal investigator Chantal Apodoca. Packing up our gear in my vehicle ‘the
Ghost Tracker’ for an all nighter at the very famous and haunted Ione Hotel. To see pictures of this event,
stop by here:
Arriving are the following HPI paranormal investigators: Kathy/psychic and Tom, Kathy Foulk, Deborah
Baughman, Staci Butler, Ann Dupire, Stephanie Belson/Psychic.
Arriving are HPI paranormal investigative scouts (ghosthunters-in-training): Shari Aresta, Cynthia Meadows,
Jackie Murray, Stefanie Bertelsen, Eric Bertelsen, Curt & Susan Daniger, Dana Mierkey, Judy Allen, Curtis
Our itinerary for this evening includes dinner at the Ione Hotel in their restaurant, Cravings. Shannon and I
had the fettuccini with a side order of cheese sticks. I absolutely enjoyed my dinner and with my palate
satisfied, I was ready for some karaoke. Our star performers during karaoke were of course were singers
Shannon McCabe, Ann Dupire and Staci Butler. Yeah…I kicked up some dust with some crazy dance moves
with Shannon and Chantal as my victims. The bar was hopping this evening and the residents of Ione were
amazed at the urban energy we displayed this evening. The karaoke DJ, Harry, was really amazing. Check
him out on Friday nights at the Ione Hotel. We found out he made a special trip in for us! THANK YOU!
Okay, with all of that dancing and singing, let’s forget the ghost hunt. Nah, we have endurance and we have
a long evening ahead. In fact our ghosthunting actually lasted until 4:45am.
As lead investigator/general manager I lead my investigators and scouts on the quest for the paranormal
truth this evening. This evening we would receive results from that quest. Here is the lowdown.
To learn about the history of the Ione Hotel, read my previous article here:
I broke up the group into two teams and this night we would have 2 investigative sessions and will end the
night with a séance.
EVP obtained: Man’s voice saying ‘tit for tat’. EVP obtained in Room 12. Note: Room 12 is the room that
Shannon, Chantal and I slept in. Witnesses of this EVP: All investigators and scouts. Class A EVP.
Substantial evidence obtained by owner, Shannon McCabe
(You may pause the song playing by scrolling up and hitting pause on the current song to hear EVP's)
EVP obtained: Man's voice saying 'YES' after Shannon asks, "Did you say Tit for Tat?" (pump up your
volume for this one)
EVP obtained: The sound of scratching that was not caused by audio recorder. Inconclusive.
EVP obtained: Woman’s voice saying ‘hush’. EVP obtained in Room 13. Substantial evidence.
Orb movement seen on monitors. We could not determine intelligence in orb movement. Inconclusive.
Orbs in still shots. Inconclusive.
Major K2 hits in Room 12 and Room 13. Inconclusive.
Temperature fluctuations and cold spots felt. Inconclusive.
Two scouts felt their hair touched or felt static electricity in their hair. Inconclusive.
Holder stabilizer on dresser is pulled out. Supposedly, they were inside the dresser and the next time they
were seen, they were pulled out. Inconclusive.
Some investigators experienced unusual battery drainage with new batteries. Inconclusive.
Still photos with orbs and one moving orb anomaly. Inconclusive.
EVP obtained: Growling noise. Obtained in Room 6. Class C EVP. Inconclusive.
EVP obtained: “You can go”. Class A EVP. Obtained in Room 6. Substantial evidence.
(check back on for this one)
5 investigators/scouts hear a woman scream in Room 7. We tried to determine if the light scream was pipe
filtering noise. Undecided on how the scream occurred. Inconclusive.
Audible ‘sigh’ is heard in Room 7 by 2 investigators. Inconclusive.
Room 4: Female scout, while laying in bed, hears a woman voice in her ear saying: "What are you doing?"
Scout identified as Susan Daniger. Inconclusive, no other witnesses to the event.
Investigator Deborah Baughman has mark on her arm after being touched. The touch was a burning
sensation. Substantial evidence, other investigators heard her when she said she was touched and
immediately we looked at her arm and her arm was reddened.
Séance conducted in Room 13. Two séance sessions were conducted. First séance produced results. A
balloon was placed in the middle of the séance circle. When investigators/scouts told the entity to move the
balloon towards various investigators in the circle, the balloon obeyed the order and the balloon would go
towards the investigator/scout that it was told to move towards. The investigators/scouts of this séance all
felt energy go from one hand to another hand. The spurts of energy kept moving counter clockwise through
the hands of the investigators/scouts. Substantial evidence through their testimony.
During the second session of the séance, the balloon stopped moving. Some investigators/scouts felt their
bodies or hair touched. Video camera was trained on investigators/scouts and the balloon. The entity no
longer wanted to play. This session was inconclusive.
Special Note: Room 13 has an upside down black rose on the wall. It looks like a grease stain in the shape
of an upside down rose. A former employee told me that several times they have tried to paint over the rose
or wash the rose off the wall and the rose keeps reappearing. There is no explanation for this anomaly on
the wall. Rumor has it that a prostitute from the 1800s used this room for her special outings with her
gentlemen clientele. This prostitute’s nickname was the Black Rose.
Added Note: Some investigators/scouts investigated the Ione Cemetery and obtained photographic
anomalies that included, what appeared to be, ectoplasm mist. Orb photos were taken and some of the orbs
were your classic ‘designer orbs’. Designer orbs have intricate designs (like a snowflake) inside the circle.
Some ghosthunters enhance/enlarge designer orbs and feel they can see a face inside the orb.
Tonight was a very successful night with many investigators/scouts experiencing the unknown.
On this night, we did get enough substantial evidence to conclude that the Ione Hotel is truly haunted.
Paul Dale Roberts aka the Demon Warrior
Visit the Ione Hotel at

Shannon & Hotel Owner, Mahmood tear up the dance floor!
Possible moving orb to Staci's head
Is this the mark of the "Black Rose Prostitute?"
H.P.I. at the famously haunted Ione Hotel