Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Diagnosing Here
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Read about the Avatar or Hope vs. The
Avatar of Evil- Shannon &
Read about a Vampirish Goth Night
Read about Xara the Zombris (Zombie)
Read about Demonic Possession Here
Chantal and the Zombie Here
Akon & Kardinal Offishall "Dangerous"
Read about A Haunted Night in Truckee
Her Haunted Life: The Ginger Henderson Story
Interviewed by Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager
aka The Demon Warrior /
September 26, 2009, Saturday: Wow! The day is hot and I am headed over to Fremont , where ghosts are in
abundance. My tour guide is Ginger Henderson aka Ms. Fremont aka Ms. Dangerous, let’s just call her Ms.
Dangerous. I will explain to you why she is Ms. Dangerous later; right now let’s get into her story. Note: Ginger and
Paul have a pizza and some cokes while the interview commences.
To see pictures of Fremont , Ginger and Niles , click here:
Ginger Henderson
To see the upcoming movie trailer of Paranormal Activity, click here and be afraid, be very afraid!
Question: Ginger, thank you for the tour of Fremont and Niles . Especially Niles . The first place you took me was Les
Belles Antiques I can see why people think this place is haunted. A lot of
psychometrics going on there. Antique objects that contain psychic energy. Entities may be attached to certain
objects will linger around the items that they are attached to. Norma Carey and Suan Perry have a beautiful antique
shop, glad I stopped by! It was a pleasure meeting Andrew Camacho at this shop too. Andrew says he knows of a
haunted location in Fremont and will get back with me on this. Anyway, let’s talk about you Ginger; you are a very
unique lady. Tell me about the Shadow Person that you would frequently see.
Answer: I remember when I was approximately 7-8-9 years old; I would glimpse a figure wearing a long black cape out
of the corner of my eye. When I would turn to see this entity directly, the entity would simply vanish. I seem to
remember it always being outdoors though, never inside a building. Often times at the end of the street, there he
would be, his cape lifting slightly, catching a breeze and then I turn to get a better look and every time, nothing. I
hadn’t thought about this in a long time…
Question: Ginger thank you for putting me up at the Fremont Frontier Hotel - Room 37. That was so sweet of you.
Besides the possible hauntings of this hotel, can you tell me why the Derby Club is reputed to be haunted?
Just smoke at the Fremont Hotel
Answer: I worked there bartending the night shift for 2 years, and that meant locking up by myself at 2:30 in the
morning. I hated having to go downstairs; it was so creepy down there in the basement. Niles has underground
tunnels all through the town (Note: Ginger personally showed me the tunnel), created during Prohibition, that’s where
the alcohol was funneled through the different bars and kept hidden from the law. Anyway, the Derby Club has an
access panel off the staircase leading downstairs into the basement, covered simply by a piece of plywood hanging
by a couple of hooks. One night as I was closing up, my girlfriend Eileen was with me, keeping me company until I
finished my duties with the money, etc. Right underneath where I was sitting, there was a loud KNOCK, KNOCK which
was where the tunnel is located. We both froze and couldn’t believe what happened. Eileen is Catholic, she started
reciting some religious material and we both got giant goosebumps and got out as fast as we could. The other thing
that was witnessed by me and 2 other customers is the ice scoop - the big heavy one that is by the ice machine
became a projectile and was thrown about 3 yards. This happened twice in one night, about an hour apart.
Dirty Dan
Note: I did do a preliminary investigation of this hotel and talked with Maintenance/Supervisor Dirty Dan. He tells me
that the main office was built around the 1850s. People claim to hear knockings at their hotel doors and when they
open the door, there is no one there. Dirty Dan is quite the character and has worked with 107.7 The Bone. He calls
himself the Sheriff of the Fremont Frontier Motel. His vehicle is called the Hagatha or Dirty Dan’s Bone Buggy. Dirty
Dan says that the deceased former owner's apparition sometimes makes an appearance by looking out the 2nd floor
Question: Ginger, you are a tarot card reader. How did you get into tarot card reading?
Answer: I was gifted with my cards from my sister Candy about 25 years ago. Anything and everything that is
paranormal, invisible, spiritual, metaphysical, spooky or God-stuff - I have been drawn to as long as I can remember.
The older I get, the stronger the pull - or you can call it the calling - becomes. The cards do what they do, I’m just
the tool they use to get the message out that needs to be delivered….I have studied the major Arcana for the
symbolism they contain, as well as do readings now and then - but not for money- just when they want to come out
and play.
Question: You said that silent film stars like Charlie Chaplin would film here in Niles , can you elaborate?
Answer: Niles , California was the first Hollywood , before Hollywood existed. If you go to you will find
historical information, but basically Charlie Chaplin’s very first films were filmed in Niles , silent movies of course. The
Essanay Film Company was where they were produced, and Niles has the Essanay Film Museum , complete with the
chair Charlie Chaplin once sat in (I got to sit in that chair) - The museum is also a film theatre, they show old movies
there on Saturday nights.
Niles Canyon- "Secret Sidewalk"
Note: From Shannon McCabe- Back when I was in my early 20's I heard of this "secret sidewalk" in Niles Canyon.
It was originally an aqueduct that carried water to it's nearby citizens. There is a legend to this sidewalk though... It is
said that there were Satan worshipers that took the sidewalk to the top of it's hill for sacrifices. There were also
stories of the KKK doing their hooded rituals up there... Legend or not? You decide.
Question: You work as a bartender at The Florence. Why do people say that this place is haunted?
Answer: Probably due to the opening of the tunnel in the
dining room floor, it’s like this black hole of energy from
the moonshine; it sucks the energy right out of you.
And also the vibrations from the loud music makes
the tequila bottles jump off the shelf in one spot, I
used to think it was ghostly but we debunked that
one. I don’t doubt that there is a lot of residual
haunting activity going on.
Question: What was that odd golden metallic cup
you showed me?
Where did you get it and what kind of writing is on it?
Answer: I have called it either my Holy Grail aka
The Mystery of The Bronze Chalice. I bought it at
a second hand store about 5 or 6 years ago for
one dime. It was black with tarnish and I was
severely scolded by one appraiser I had take
a look at it. I found out that was a big no-no
as it may have provided a clue as to how old it is.
took it to Clar’s auction house in Oakland ,
and also had 3 linguistic professors at UC Berkeley
look at it, and so far no one has been able to tell me
anything about it. I think it’s time to ask a museum for assistance. From my own research on the web, I’ve seen a
couple of characters that appear on the Egyptian Book of the Dead and another character or two that looks like
something from the Dead Sea Scrolls. I’m dying to know what the heck it says…..
Question: The dog grooming studio that you showed me is reputed to be haunted. What was the dog grooming
studio before and what is the ghost story about this place?
Answer: It was a bar, and after that it was the Second Hand Store - where I got the Holy Grail in fact! The former
owners told me there was a lot of activity, seeing people in the windows and they would hear voices. Once when I was
shopping in there an old picture postcard of a person’s portrait floated down from the ceiling - out of thin air - it
dropped to the floor in front of me. The owner saw this happen too.
Question: Tell me something about your life? The readers would love to know everything about you!
ANSWER: Wow! Where do I start?
I was born on 08-24-1961, and have
been drawn to the “invisi-world” as long
as I can remember, anything and
everything spiritual, spooky, God-stuff,
metaphysical, etc. The older I get the
stronger the pull - this feeling of a higher
calling becomes stronger. I knew at the
age of 9 that God is real because of a
very special prayer that he answered for
me almost immediately. Ever since then,
we (me and God) have been talking
every single day. I would hope as I get
older I get better at listening to Him.
I laugh because I say I’m possessed by
God-I truly have no choice.
Question: Ms. Fremont…please tell me about the haunted house you lived in. What kind of activity did you have in
this house?
Answer: The house address was 371 - in numerology that adds up to “11” a master number. The house before
THAT one where I lived for 6 years was 36110 - another “11” house. Anyway, the house in Niles had a lot of
poltergeist activity, as well as electronic device spontaneous noise-making and turning on at strange times. The front
door was heard opening with its distinctive squeak, but the door was locked. A large yellow pages phone book was
knocked out of my girlfriend's hands and onto the floor as I passed it to her. A CD went flying across the room and
bounced off the wall just as I said to my friend “I should be playing a cd”. Someone told me that the house had quite a
few different entities living there and that they “liked my energy” so they didn’t want me to leave.
Question: Now I will tell you why Ginger is so dangerous. You were saying you are klutzy. When I walked in your
home, you poured root beer on me..LOL!!
A: That’s not a question….
Question: Give us a sample of your poetry.
A: Look inside ye seeker of mine
Love is all I have to give
Now you know just why I live
Relax sweet child
Let it flow
In you
Through you
Then let it go
Thoughts, intentions, words and such
Manifests your energy
So heal others with your touch
Write a poem
Send a spell
On others motives
Don't you dwell
Protection around
Lovingly surround
Forces abound
Shhhh don’t make a sound
Question: What are your hobbies and recreational activities?
Answer: Tile mosaic, riding my big dyno glide beach cruiser, handyman stuff - I love my tools - gardening, reading,
Question: What TV shows, movies, books do you like?
Answer: I’ve grown to where I just read non-fiction anymore. Back again though to metaphysics, am uncontrollably
drawn to the works of those before who have written of God, spirits, and ancient sciences like the tarot, astrology,
numerology. I see it like “tools in the toolbox” - different ones for different jobs, and not every tool fits in everyone’s
hand. Some work better than others, depending who is using it, and for what reason.
Question: Also, when you do your poetry, has anyone told you that you sound like a cute female rapper? (Note: She
sort of sounds like Deborah Harry of Blondie)
Answer: Actually not that many people ever hear my poetry, but they always rhyme. That’s another quirky thing for poems have to rhyme!’’ (Note: I believe she is saying that her poems always rhyme unintentionally).
Question: If someone wanted to contact you, how can they get in touch with you?, or
Here is my website:
Note: Ginger Henderson aka Ms. Dangerous is dangerous in another way. It appears that she has the power to affect
electrical devices when she is stressed, excited or angry. Example today, she had 8 questions left on the interview,
but she was rushing to get the answers done, so she can head to work at The Florence. She completed the answers,
saved it. When she reopened the document, after I saw that the answers were saved, the answers somehow
mysteriously disappeared. Ginger was not surprised, this has happened to her before.
Special Note: During my adventure with Ginger, I discovered that Ginger is a local celebrity here in Fremont and Niles
. Everyone knows Ginger and everyone on the street greets Ginger. I met some of her friends like Alex
Maagdenberg. Alex had imaginary friends in Utrecht , Amsterdam and as soon as he came to the United States his
imaginary friends disappeared. Ginger introduced me to Sugar Martini of the Billy Martini Show. Sugar is one of the
dancers of this musical 70s band. Email: Sugar had her own paranormal
experience; she lived in a home in Lafayette that was reputed to be haunted. Lights would constantly turn off and on
at this home, she believed a child’s ghost haunted this home and things would happen in a locked room, such as
objects moving around and no one was in this locked room to move the objects around. I really enjoyed meeting
Ginger’s friends and seeing the haunted sites of Fremont/Niles. The Florence where Ginger is a bartender is
frequented by many biker clubs, such as the Hell’s Angels, Henchmen, Skeleton Crew, Mofo Men, Freedom Riders,
Korrupt Inc., and Saints and Sinners. One of the patrons told me that the Niles Ghost haunts the foothills; he was a
hitchhiker that was accidentally run over by a car, now his restless soul wanders the surrounding hills (And possibly
the "Secret Sidewalk" ) of Fremont and Niles Canyon . This is the end of Ginger’s story for now...

Sugar from the Billy Martini Band
Ginger Henderson