Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Read about Alese Osborn: Psychic
Diagnosing Here
Read about Notorious BIG Here
Resident Evil- Mansion

Paul Dale Roberts is GI JOE: Black Helicopters and UFOs!
By Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager aka The Demon Hunter
Why in the world, would I say I am GI Joe? Probably because I was in the US Army's OPFOR (Opposing
Forces). Believe it or not, I had to wear a mask! I kid you not. In Opposing Forces, I wore a camouflage ski
mask. I also wore a Russian uniform, black gloves, black boots and called myself Corporal Dowbowski. I had a
fake Russian accent and my job was to teach elite troops like the 101st 'Screaming Eagles' Airborne, 82nd
Airborne, Air Force Special Ops, US Army Special Forces, Delta Force, US Army Airborne Rangers, Marine
Recon, US Army Night Stalkers and the Navy Seals. I taught these elite troops the Soviet Threat! At night, I
wore a black ski mask and black jumpsuit. Oh yeah, I was Back in Black as AC/DC would say it!
How would I teach these elite troops? I would teach them the W.E.F.T. system of identifying Soviet aircraft.
W.E.F.T. is: Wings, Engine, Fuselage and Tailsection. I would show them kill zones on Soviet armor tanks and
armored vehicles. I would show them how to do Soviet calisthenics. I would show them how to use the SVD
Sniper Rifle, AK-47, AKS (Chinese modified version of the AK-47), RPG-7, RPG-2 and numerous other Soviet
weapons. When these elite student soldiers were in my class, I was showing them the way and life of the
Soviet Soldier. I would begin my speech by saying..."The Soviet Soldier is and must be considered a
formidable foe, we must understand why, what makes him a good soldier, is it his attitude, his culture or how
about his weapons? Let's look at the AK-47!" I would be holding the AK-47 at that moment of time in my
Now you are probably wondering what this has to do with the paranormal. It has a lot to do with the
paranormal. Before I was in OPFOR, I was in Military Intelligence and had to categorize 6 UFO photos that
came into the Photo Interpretation Center : Korea - Yongsan Barracks. That tells me that when Project
Bluebook ended in January 1970, it was all a front. Military Intelligence was still looking into UFOs. When I
started quizzing people about UFOs, I found myself in OPFOR.
But, the UFO saga didn't end with me playing GI Joe at OPFOR. While I was training the elite troops, I made
friends with other OPFOR personnel. After I got out of the Army, I kept in touch with an OPFOR soldier that I
will call Captain Dimehand. Cpt. Dimehand claims that he has heard a couple of the Night Stalkers talking
about cattle mutilations. The conversation between the two Night Stalkers was vague and they could have
been talking about an article they read. Captain Dimehand says that no where in the conversation did they
mention that they participated in the operation procedures for experimental testing of cattle. It only makes me
wonder if the black helicopters seen at cattle mutilations are the Night Stalkers. Night Stalkers all have security
clearances and I also wonder if these black helicopters are used for surveillance on captured UFO flights.
Captain Dimehand is one of my military confidential informants and he now works for an intelligence agency.
The intelligence information he deals with so far has nothing to do with UFOs, but if he ever gets wind of
something, I hope he will still keep me in mind, so I can get the word out to you, the public. UFO information
needs to be disclosed once and for all! We have the right to know!
For information about HPI events and news, see below:
August 15, 2009, Saturday: On this day, I met up with new HPI Paranormal Investigators-in-Training. The
trainees were: Taylor Caristedt, Matt Ante, Sonny Koya, Lauren Caristedt, Destiny Carlile. I brought along my
dogs HPI (Pronounced Hi-Pee) and Pika to 22nd & H Street house, my trainees were waiting for me. I gave
them historical briefings of each place I showed them. The first place they saw was the 22nd & H Street home,
then Doreathea Puente's F Street Boarding House and the Sacramento Theatre. I showed them the proper
way of using digital audio recorders, digital cameras, dowsing rods, etc. My trainees absolutely loved their tour,
training and seeing haunted locations.
Dear Mr. Roberts,
Thank you for publishing my story, and spending your time in informing me about them. After sending you the
link, I remembered something else that, I believe, would corroborate the hypothesis that some of the
disembodied entities have been created from and are manifestations of some form of energy. This is a video
shot by two young Turkish ladies in a local cemetery. They went there to visit the graves of their relatives (they
are not ghost hunters, and ghost hunting is not as popular here as it is in the US anyway). They saw a green
light floating, and recorded it with their mobile phone. This created a sensation on TV channels, but as far as I
can see, it was not covered in paranormal websites in the US . You may be one of the first to cover it. The link
is as follows:
The location is Sakarya, a small city in Turkey . The cemetery is located in the Tarakli town. The ladies first
speculate that it is just a reflection from a piece of broken glass. Then they notice that it moves, and goes from
one grave to another. One lady says that she sees faces in and/or around the light. They both come to the
conclusion that the light is of paranormal origin. They get scared and decide to leave.
Scientists or cameramen could not come up with a satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon.
Have a nice weekend,
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Since Arnold is cutting our wages, it was time to get a roommate to compensate for money lost in my
paycheck. I found a new ghosthunter-in-training and she is now my roommate and her name is Shelly Harris!
Welcome to HPI Shelly!
From: Charlene Wilson <> Sent: 8/19/2009 6:22 AM >>>
*I sent this to you yesterday but don't know if you got it... let me
know what you think when you get a chance.
Hey Paul it looks like we have something in our house again or in our
My mother told me this morning that she saw me from her kitchen window
walking out in the back yard in the dark. She said that she called to me
asking me what I was doing walking around in the dark from her window
and that I just kept on walking and then that I came back about 5
minutes later through the breezeway door without saying anything as she
is calling my name. First of all I was sleeping at the time she said she
saw me and I wouldn't be outside walking around in the dark. Second she
said that this thing had it's head down with it's arms by it's side and
was walking side to side and it walked very slow going through the door.
She could see it because I had left the breezeway light on for her for
when she got back from her friends house. I don't sleep walk, I would
never walk like that and I'm really kind of freaked out!!! Also I asked
her if she heard the breezeway door close because it is very loud when
you close that door and she said she did not hear it. What do you think
this thing was? She said it had blond hair just like me and was wearing
the same thing that I was wearing that day. I'm kind of scared because I
don't know what this could be and it was dressed up to look like me!!!
Please let me know what you think it could be when you have a chance.
I'm wondering if anything will happen tonight...
Thanks buddy!
From Paul in regard to Dopplegangers:
One of the strangest cases I ever read about was when a woman was standing around waiting for her bus, she
saw a bus driving past her. In the back window looking out at her, was her exact lookalike. It was her
doppleganger. She tells everyone about her experience. The next day, she dies of a asthma related illness.
I pray there will be no tragedy for Charlene and her family. Godspeed.
Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
Paul's Lair/HPI Halloween Vampire Ball is now found at:
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this
If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI
Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.

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