Boy, that Doug and Dave are something else! They are the greatest magicians of the 21st Century. Their
abilities out rivals greats like Houdini, Penn & Teller and Criss Angel!  Why?

Easy. First off they must be immortal. Because Doug Bower and Dave Chorley must have created the
crop circles of 1633. Case example: Mr. Hart was walking through his Wiltshire field and encountered
what he called 'green circles'. Not only does he say that he saw what he calls innumerable quality of
pygmies or very small people dancing round and round on the green circles, but he says that these small
people pinched him all over. Could the small people be friends of Doug and Dave? Mr. Hart also said he
heard a strange buzzing sound. It is odd that alien abductees hear the same buzzing sound before being
abducted and could the little people be typical 'grays'.  If they aren't typical grays, then perhaps Doug
and Dave hired some midgets from a circus act.

Doug Bower and Dave Chorley make claim that they created every crop circle in existence, by using a
wooden or metal bar and stomping on it, creating what we now know as crop circles.

One of the main criticism of the human creation of crop circles is that Doug Bower and Dave Chorley
could not have covertly traveled internationally and executed all of the crop circles around our world with
maybe a secret cell of hoaxer followers that may have assisted them. But, yet the media was willing and
ready to buy in on their story. Newspaper headlines read: "Crop Circle Mystery Solved!" It is interesting
that crop circles are sometimes seen at ancient sacred sites like Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill.  I
wonder if these ancient sites have anything to do with leylines intersecting at these sites?  If leylines
intersect at these sites, could there be a strong magnetic vibration occurring at these sites that may be
creating portals in which UFOs go darting in and out from?

Crop circles which I believe are the same as fairy circles have been seen for a long, long time. In 1678,
the people that witnessed crop circles said they were created by the mowing devil. A farmer in 1678 said
that crop circles could not be made by one man in one night. That the feat is impossible!

A simple circle could be created easily by Doug & Dave, but when the circle has complex geometrics, one
has to wonder, could these two morons have been that creative and that smart to create elaborate
designs in wheat and barley fields? With these pictograms and agriglyphs, they have maximum vertical to
horizontal transformation. To create circles that have these type of transformations, scientists have
determined that the crop circles would have to be made within a time span of 5 seconds to 20 seconds. I
don't believe Doug and Dave are that fast. Crop circles are now seen in Canada, Australia, Russia and
Japan. Just in Canada alone, 20 crop circles formed in a 10 week period! A crop circle actually formed
near Sacramento. It formed in the town of Fairfield, California. We now have ice circles and I can only
wonder if Doug and Dave did those circles too? They better be careful and not fall through the thin ice!

More recently the crop circles have become even more complex. We have crop circles that may have a
hidden meaning. The Phoenix crop circle. Could this be a message about the
Mayan prophesy of 2012?
The great Phoenix dies and from the ashes is renewed. Could this mean an end cycle of life as we know it
on Earth diminishes in 2012 and re-emerges as a new recycled Earth? Or how about the Mayan glyphic
crop circle that was recently created?  This has a direct tie in with the Mayans.  Then we have a dragon
fly crop circle and how funny that dragonflies are seen in abundance around wetlands and marshes
because of environmental changes.  Let's not forget the jellyfish crop circle.  If aliens are trying to relay a
message, that is an easy one.  In the Gulf of Mexico, as the environment changes, all fish life and marine
life are dying, while jellyfish continue to thrive and overpopulate.  The waters are hazardous to humans
because of the majority of jellyfish that have taken over.  If aliens are trying to give us a message, the
message is to protect our environment.

The dragonfly crop circle is the best insectogram I have ever seen.  Well, we can believe that Doug and
Dave have been creating crop circles for an eternity and all around the world, or we can look more
closely at: MBF Service (MacFarlane Business Forms) in Scotland that sought out the rights to their
story. How interesting that this same group did confidential work for the British Government that
specialized in 'disinformation'. How interesting indeed.

Watch "2012 The Real Truth" by Shannon McCabe & Paul Dale Roberts. A behind the scenes
documentary of the Penn & Teller "Bull****" Show. "The Apocalypse" is airing on Penn & Teller's "Bull****"-
Showtime Television July 16th, 2009, now see the videos at this

Learn how you can go with Paul Dale Roberts on preliminary scouting missions! Read about it here, this
will happen on every furlough Friday!

David Mace - HPI Researcher and Investigator discovers information about Pioneer - our upcoming
investigation. Read about it here:
Sacramento Paranormal Online

Shannon & Paul on Penn & Teller's Bullshit

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator &
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
My comic book The Legendary Dark Silhouette is being made into a movie, see link below: - You can actually get involved with this movie, find out how!
Mysteries of Angels & Demons featuring Demonologist Paul Dale Roberts can be purchased at:
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
Staff Writer - Alien Seeker News -
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this
To get your HPI Gear go here

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.
Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville

Marysville Investigation was on Channel 13, see broadcast here:

Watch "2012 The Real Truth" by Shannon McCabe & Paul Dale Roberts. A
behind the scenes documentary of the Penn & Teller "Bull****" Show. "The
Apocalypse" is airing on Penn & Teller's "Bull****"- Showtime Television
July 16th, 2009, now see the videos at this link:

Marysville Investigation Article, found here:

The Ghost in the Garage: Marysville Video by David Mace:
Learn how you can go with Paul Dale Roberts on preliminary scouting
missions! Read about it here, this will happen on every furlough

Shannon & Paul on Pay-for-View TV:

Chantal Apodaca aka Lady Luminous, see it at this link:¤t=LadyLuminouscolored.jpg

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Read the Old Hag Syndrome article