The Alese Osborn Story: Psychic Diagnosing

Killing two birds with one stone. I love taking care of business, when I hear that a hot looking lady has a great
paranormal story to tell, I definitely want to hear it, especially if that hot looking lady is interviewing me for The
Missing Box 9th Floor Radio - see: I don't know if you ever experienced doing live radio at
the studio, but if you have, you would know it's a lot of fun. Alese Osborn with her flaming red hair is the hostess
of this show and it was a delight answering her questions. Chantal Apodaca - HPI Paranormal Investigator rode
with me to Oakland for this show. Chantal would also be the guest of this show and guess what? Alese is the
niece to Chantal.

Alese is very intelligent, when she was a small child, her family and friends would call her an intelligent baby.
Later in life, it was thought that she was gifted. She was very creative, she could paint, she could make gorgeous
collages or write musical lyrics. This possible Indigo woman/star child later became involved with independent film
making and is now working on a book of supernatural experiences and psychic experiences. This book is not
published yet, but it's called: Life of Nightsong.

I enjoyed the questions that Alese throws out to me and Chantal. We discuss everything from ghosthunts to the
Mayan Prophesy of 2012 to UFOs to Crop Circles to Demonology. This evening on radio is very enjoyable and I
can see Chantal is having a great time. Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe participated in this interview also, when
Alese has me call her. With this article, you will see pictures of Alese, she is a stunning beauty. With this beauty
she became a model for a while. She has placed her modeling career to the side and is enjoying being the
hostess of The Missing Box. The Missing Box 9th Floor Radio is broadcast out of Laney College - the former
home of the Black Panthers.

There is another gift that Alese has, but she doesn't really talk about it that much. She has the ability to
psychically diagnose her closest friends. She remembers how one time an object was thrown to the ground and
she was able to pick up on the energy of the object and she did an accurate reading for the owner of the object.
Alese's powers evolved and she was able to diagnose certain ailments of the people who was closest to her. She
diagnosed a disease that her friend was carrying. This friend did not believe her, but soon afterwards the
prediction came true. Alese encountered another friend and explained to that friend that they had an STD. Her
friend didn't want to believe it, but after going to the doctor, Alese's friend was quite surprised to learn that she
did indeed have an STD.

Alese feels she was an intuitive all her life, but her first paranormal experience happened when she was in the
second grade. Alese remembers trying to sleep and then all of a sudden the comforter that was on top of her
body started to raise in the air. She was clinging onto the comforter with her gripping hands, but yet the comforter
still ripped itself away from her white knuckled clinching hands and threw itself against the wall. This terrified
Alese and she knew at this moment in her life, that she was going to lead a life that borders on the unknown.

Alese still feels the full effects of her intuitive abilities and will have visions and dreams that propel her into the
future and allows her to view future events with exceptional accuracy.

Alese Osborn radiates warmth and harmony, if you ever have a chance to meet her, you will feel her embracing
positive energy. Thank you for the interview Alese!

To see pictures of Alese, go here:

Below is HPI News and Events:

Foothills Paranormal Society -
HPI North Foothills Branch:
August 6, 2009, Thursday: Shannon 'Ms. Macabre' McCabe and Paul Dale Roberts aka The Demon Warrior
conduct a training class with our branch office in Marysville (Yuba County Library - 303 2nd Street - Marysville).
We discussed on how to use various ghost hunting equipment, including UFO hunting equipment, how to book an
investigation, discussed our past investigations, seeking REAL evidence and the methods of obtaining REAL
evidence. We also discussed how to advertise their investigations to get more investigations. It pays to advertise.
Tanya Curtis - Founder and Harold Curtis - Co-Founder had a large group waiting for us. The group is truly HPI
family members! Shan and I felt the warmth! When we finished up the meeting, they knew about the McCabe
Method of gathering EVPs; Designer Orbs; Casper Hauntings; etc. They are ready to HUNT! To see pictures of
this training session, click on link below:

Paul Dale Roberts, HPI General Manager, Paranormal Investigator & Ghostwriter
Shannon McCabe's HPI
Haunted and Paranormal Investigations International
My comic book The Legendary Dark Silhouette is being made into a movie, see link below: - You can actually get involved with this movie, find out how!
Mysteries of Angels & Demons featuring Demonologist Paul Dale Roberts can be purchased at:
Paul on Wikipedia, click link below:
WPRT Paranormal Radio - Content Editor
Paranormal Cellular Hotline: 916 203 7503 (for comments on this

If you have a possible investigation call: 1-888-709-4HPI

Copyright 2009 Paul Dale Roberts, HPI Ghostwriter Copyright 2009
all rights reserved.
Follow me to
the 2009
Vampire Ball...
Read the Interview with Lady Seer Here
Read the Garage Man of Marysville
Read the Old Hag Syndrome article
Read Crop Circles: Doug & Dave Here
Ms Macabe by Richard Vasseur of
Jazma Online Comics
Read A Haunting in Pioneer Here
Read Morphing Transforming UFO's
Follow me to
the 2009
Vampire Ball...
Alese Osborn with her new book "Life of Nightsong:"
Alese & Chantal
Shannon & Tanya Curtis
of HPI)
"Leave Out All the Rest" Linkin Park
Twilight Soundtrack