Interview with: Wey - Yuih Loh
Job: Writer
Comic book: Tribute: Michael Jackson, King of Pop
Publisher: Bluewater Productions
Interviewed by: Allen Klingelhoets
Jazma web field marshal

Allen: How did it occur that you were asked to write Tribute: Michael Jackson, King of Pop comic book biography

Wey - Yuih Loh: I had already done the Colin Powell and Joe Biden issues for Political Power series and Darren
asked me if I wanted the Michael Jackson one. I jumped at the opportunity and emailed him back straight away
saying yes. It’s the King of Pop. Of course I’m going to say yes!!

Allen: What can readers expect to see in Tribute comic?

Wey - Yuih Loh: It’s definitely a tribute book, but I think honest at the same time. I try to go into more detail about
his life surrounding the fame, not in a tabloid trashy way though. Darren wanted this to be a tribute and of course
we both new that he had a complex life and there was no escaping some of the bad press he has received but I
try to discuss those details of his life in the most unbiased way possible. I also had to keep in mind that the
audience was going include children and families so a lot of the writing and content had to be toned down for a
general audience.

Allen: How have you decided what to include in story?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I didn’t want this issue just to be a discography. I wanted look into his life and how it was affected
by all this fame. We explore his entire time line from the Jackson 5 to his death in June. But a large focus of the
book is around the Thriller to Dangerous Era when he was at the peak of his career.

Allen: What were some of things that impressed you most about Michael Jackson legacy?

Wey - Yuih Loh: Aside from the obvious musical genius I would say his charity work. A lot about that work doesn’t
get mentioned lately or in the later part of his life because people were to busy worrying about the latest scandal.
He’s done plenty in his lifetime to improve other people’s lives and nobody really gives him the credit he deserves.

Allen: Do you collect Michael Jackson memorabilia?

Wey - Yuih Loh: Nope. I’m a fan but I’m not an obsessed fan.

Allen: How did you feel when heard Michael Jackson had died?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I couldn’t believe it at the time. But when it hit I felt that it was a great loss. And as I researched
more and more about MJ the loss becomes more significant.

Allen: Do you recall what you were doing when heard Michael Jackson had died?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I was getting ready for work at the time and was hearing on the news and seeing on facebook
that people were just speculating that he had died. It was on the drive to work that they finally confirmed he had
passed away. I think most radio stations were playing MJ music marathons at that time.

Allen: How many pages of your story will Tribute comic contain?

Wey - Yuih Loh: 24 pages. It’s 2 pages longer then the usual issues.

Allen: Do you feel rushed with October 2009 publication date?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I did at the start but with all the manpower going into this issue I feel it’s coming along well.

Allen: How many versions will there be of Tribute issue? What are some bonuses reader can expect if buy
alternate issue?

Wey - Yuih Loh: At the moment, all I know is that there are two different covers. Besides that the content will be
the same.

Allen: Did you have any contact with Jackson family while writing Michael Jackson Tribute comic?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I would have liked to have contact but I didn’t bother because I felt it would have been rude to try
and contact the Jackson family while they were in mourning. They deserve to be left in peace.

Allen: It must have been difficult writing about controversial issues involving Michael Jackson? What sort of mood
did you try to keep in Tribute story?

Wey - Yuih Loh: It was hard to cater for a general audience while also staying with the truth and discussing
controversial issues. I’ve done my best to explain how the press treated him without getting too biased. It did
become clear though on research that he was treated extremely poorly by the mass media.

In terms of mood, I think this issue is a bit of a roller coaster. Every time things seem to be going well I’ll throw in a
little fact that will make you think twice about the price of fame. Overall, given that his passing is only recent, I
think the issue has a general somber mood but it finishes on a positive note.

Allen: What are some of your favorite Michael Jackson songs? What are some of your favorite Michael Jackson

Wey - Yuih Loh: Hmm I would say, Dirty Diana and Man in the mirror. I like the dark edge to Dirty Diana. I also
think his Dangerous Album was his best release. Yes that’s right, better then Thriller J  Many people would
probably disagree when looking at sales numbers.

Allen: Did you ever see Michael Jackson in concert? What were some of your favorite Michael Jackson dance

Wey - Yuih Loh: Nope I never got the chance. Wish I could have gone though. I think his moonwalk and the spin
he does where he lands on his knees are my favorite moves.

Allen:  Why do you feel readers will want to read Tribute: Michael Jackson, King of Pop comic?  

Wey - Yuih Loh: Michael is a complex person. He is more then just what the tabloids write about. There are
reasons he became the way he was in his final years and it’s the price of fame I guess. He was a good person
and there are a lot of things people have forgotten about him. By reading this comic, maybe they’ll remember
again what drew them first to the King of pop.

Allen: Tell me a little about Tribute artist Giovanni P. Timpano.

Wey - Yuih Loh: Gio is a great artist. I always look forward to seeing his interpretations of the script. He’s done a
great job on this book. Every panel he draws gets to the point or the emotion I’m trying to convey. There are
times when he really nails the framing, shadows, camera angles etc etc above and beyond the script and I just
think, “Holy crap” this is really good.

Allen: Do you feel comfortable writing biography stories?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I think I have gotten more use to them after penning three now. I do get uncomfortable
sometimes because of the extra amount of attention you really need to pay to the facts. You don’t want to end up
with a lawsuit on your hands lol.

Allen: What other projects are you working on?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I’m starting to work now on a web comic.  I am doing this with an artist friend, Andrew Kwa. The
first story arc we plan on releasing on the net free of charge in the hope to draw readers. If that does well we
want to get it into print and then start a second story arc. It’s going to be a really deep and emotionally stirring
comic - well that’s what I am hoping for. Without going into too much detail, the series will explore the meaning of
life and our role in the universe.

Allen: What do you hope people say after reading Tribute comic?

Wey - Yuih Loh: I really hope that people are moved by the book and see that there is more to Michael Jackson
then what you see and hear in the tabloids and news. I hope they enjoy the writing and the art.

Allen: What is best way for people to contact you?

Wey Yuih Loh: My email is

They can also check out my blog at

Allen: I imagine there will be lots of media attention when Tribute comic arrives in stores. Do you expect to go to
any conventions to promote comic?

Wey Yuih Loh: I guess that depends if the convention organizers are willing to pay for my flights J Hint Hint. I’m all
the way in Australia and wouldn’t be able to afford the flights while I am saving for my wedding next year to my
beautiful fiancé Naomi J I just had to add that last bit. She pays my bills!!

Allen: I don’t want to keep you away from work any longer. I felt we should stick to Michael Jackson with this
interview. I recently interviewed you about Political Power: Colin Powell.

It has been great interviewing you again for present Tribute: Michael Jackson, King of Pop comic. Would you like
to leave with any closing thoughts?

Wey Yuih Loh: Not a problem Allen. It was great to have another chance to speak about this latest book. I guess
my closing thought would be, “Don’t believe everything you read.” You’ll learn more about this if you read my
book J
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