Interview with: Mark Miller
Job: writer
Comic book: The Tingler
Company Bluewater Productions
Interviewed by: Allen Klingelhoets

Allen: It is always best to start with familiarity. Please tell me about yourself. It is best to recall new readers
always reading Jazma interviews. Help our readers get familiar with you.

Mark: Sure.  Comic books have been a part of my life since I was a tiny tike.  I believe I started reading them
when I was about 9 years old in a small town called Lima, Ohio.  I moved to Chicago for grad school in 2001
and still reside there.  About eight years ago, I got together with a bunch of guys on the message boards of
Ain’t It Cool and started reviewing comic books for them under the pen name Ambush Bug.  I’ve
been doing it ever since and currently I’m the AICN Comics Editor for the site.  By day, I pay the bills as a
licensed expressive therapist for children and adolescents in the Chicago area.  

Allen: Mark. Please tell me how you became involved with writing Vincent Price Presents:  The Tingler comic.

Mark: A while back, I wrote the Foreword for the RISERS Trade Paperback; a comic I gave a positive review
to, and in the process, befriended the writer Martin Fisher.  After a lot of talk, we started collaborating on a
few projects together.  He introduced me to Darren G. Davis at Bluewater Comics who was interested in
reading a few pitches from me for his VINCENT PRICE PRESENTS and ROGER CORMAN PRESENTS lines.  
I’ve dabbled in writing for ages, but only recently did I take it seriously.  I’m happy as hell Darren took a
chance on me.

Allen: What is The Tingler?

Mark: The Tingler is the physical embodiment of fear.  It lives in all of us.  It’s that paralyzing sensation you
get when you experience something absolutely terrifying.  In William Castle’s classic movie, he gave shape to
that sensation (it looked a lot like a cross between a black lobster and a shiny caterpillar) and it’s one of my
favorite films as a kid.  Normally, when a person is frightened, the Tingler grows from the base of the spine
and uses its vice-like grip to paralyze the person until he or she screams, then it retreats into whatever
netherworld it came from.  Or maybe it goes into their butt.  Not sure.  In the movie, Dr. Warren Chapin
removes a Tingler from a mute woman who dies of fright and it slithers away and goes on a rampage in a
movie theater.  

Allen: Is this comic created in response to it being half century since movie was in theatres?

Mark: Half a century!  Man, that’s a long time.  No, it was created because I love the original movie.  I think the
timing of it was just serendipitous.

Allen: Who actually thought of idea to bring this story to comic book form?

Mark: When I approached Darren and talked about writing something for VINCENT PRICE PRESENTS, I
automatically thought of THE TINGLER.  It was my favorite Vincent Price movie.  I immediately started thinking
of a way to continue the story.  Although it’s an amazing film, there are a few plot holes in it towards the end
which gave me a lot of room to work.  I fill in a couple of those holes such as what happens to Dave and Lucy
(who sort of disappear in the last act of the film) and I follow up on Dr. Chapin’s drug habit and how that
influences his obsession with the Tingler.  

Allen: Who is artist for Vincent Price Presents: The Tingler comic book?

Mark: The artist’s name is Alex Lopez.  This is his first work in the US.  He’s from Chile and is extremely, super
talented.  I sent in the script and it was as if he were reading my mind.  The panels were exactly the way I saw
them in my head.  Alex is going to be a big name.  I’m so happy he was able to draw this story.  

Allen: William Castle was Producer and Director of The Tingler. Did you have a chance to watch the movie in
your youth?

Mark: I saw the movie on Dr. Creep’s Shock Theater when I was a kid in Ohio.  Next to THE BRAIN THAT
WOULDN’T DIE, it was one of my all time favorite old horror movies.  About ten years ago, I saw it again at an
all-night horror movie marathon and it rekindled my love for the film.  I’ve seen it tons of times on cable since
and own the DVD.  So I’m a bit of a fan.

Allen: Please tell me a little about The Tingler story. Who are main characters? What is the setting?

Mark: Dr. Warren Chapin is another one of Vincent Price’s classic roles.  He’s this obsessive researcher who
walks a fine ethical line when investigating matters of science.  In the film, there’s much debate over the right
and wrong aspects of his work with the Tingler.  More so here than in most of Price’s horror roles, this one I
believe is the most complex.  He’s not a bad man, just flawed in that he does anything he has to in order to
learn the truth.  

At the end of movie, Dr. Chapin has given up his pursuit of the Tingler.  I pick up the story not long afterwards
and something happens that leads him to deepest, darkest Africa with new questions about the Tingler.  
Along with him is his loyal lab assistant Dave and Dave’s gal Lucy (both from the movie too).  They serve as
Warren’s moral compass through this dark journey.  Also along for the ride is Hickman Huxley, an Alan
Quartermain type, who is piloting the riverboat and acting as guide.  Huxley and Dr. Chapin don’t get along
that well.  The story takes the Tingler out of the suburbia from the original film and puts it into a more primitive
setting. I try to squeeze all of the fear potential out of that jungle that I can and move the story forward a bit.

Allen: What is a Percepto?

Mark: Percepto is an invention by William Castle, who was a master showman and notorious for cinema
shenanigans that made his movies all the more popular.  The gimmick that went along with the theatrical
release of THE TINGLER was one of his best.  When the creature gets loose in the movie and enters an old
movie house, the screen goes completely dark because the Tingler has attacked the film projector guy.  
Castle placed vibrating buzzers under select chairs prior to audiences entering the theaters.  When the
screen goes black, all you hear is Vincent Price’s voice warning the audience that the Tingler loose in the
theater.  Then Castle flipped the switch and folks went apeshit when they felt their seats vibrating.  This was a
more innocent time, so I’m sure it was a lot more shocking then than it would be today.  These days, people
might enjoy the vibes a bit too much (which may lead to a totally different audience reaction).  In my story,
although I obviously can’t recreate the Percepto experience in comic book form, I do pay homage to that
memorable sequence of the original movie.

Allen: Did you find yourself wanting to scream while watching “The Tingler”?

Mark: I don’t really have that reaction to horror films.  I do jump at just about anything, especially the cheap
music jumps that are so common in today’s lesser fright films; not because I find them particularly scary but
because of my love for cinema and my tendency to dive right into a film while I’m watching it.  But for a film
done in 1959, the movie is pretty scary.  There’s an extended color sequence in the black and white film
where a mute woman comes across a bathtub full of bright red blood.  The contrast of the red blood against
the black and white set is extremely effective every time I watch it.

Allen:  Is this story a sequel or direct 1959 movie adaptation?

Mark: It’s a direct sequel.  It picks up just a short time after the film ends and jumps right into the action.

Allen:  How many issues did it take to tell Vincent Price Presents: The Tingler story? How many pages are in
each issue?

Mark:  Two issues.  22 pages.  Plus possibly some special features towards the end.  Not sure yet.

Allen: When will this story come out in stores?

Mark: I believe the first issue comes out the last week of September (30th) and the second, just in time for
Halloween, on the last week of October (28th).  You can order the first issue in July’s previews.

Allen:  Will this story be collected into graphic trade?

Mark: I hope so.  I believe it will, but it’s no guarantee, so please go out and buy the single issues to make
sure that happens.

Allen: Did you ever find yourself looking around the room for a Tingler while writing this story?

Mark: No, it’s funny.  As I put this story together, I really gave a lot of thought towards what happens when a
person gets scared.  I’ve always been one of those who jumps and reacts when I’m startled, but I’ve seen tons
of people freeze and have that paralyzing feeling when faced with something frightening.  Castle really
stumbled onto something cool when he came up with the concept of the Tingler.

Allen: What age group would you say is reader group for Vincent Price Presents: The Tingler comic?

Mark: Well, it’s definitely horror, so I don’t think younger kids should really check it out.  But then again, I was
the type of kid who watched FRIDAY THE 13th and THE EXCORCIST obsessively when I was 8.  I loved the
gore and grue, even as a wee lad (and I turned out somewhat ok, I guess).  There really isn’t any sex or
anything like that in the story, but there will be blood and some drug use within.  So parents, decide for
yourselves if it’s something your kid should read.

Allen: Do you know if there is going to be a movie remake of The Tingler?

Mark: I have no idea.  I hope they call me if they do.  I’d love to be involved.  Maybe I can hold the boom or
drive the truck or something.

Allen: What are some of your favorite Vincent Price movies?

Mark: THE TINGLER is my all time favorite.  WITCHFINDER GENERAL (THE CONQUEROR WORM) is a close
second.  And of course, the two DR. PHIBES films.  I also always loved Michael Jackson’s THRILLER and if the
King of Pop would let Bluewater do it, I have a hell of a story inspired by that video bouncing around in my
brainpan.  LAST MAN ON EARTH was good too and MADHOUSE was campy fun.  Too many great films.  
Vincent Price was one of those actors that, no matter what he did, he gave his all and made it unique and
classy, despite the horrifying material.  He treated schlock like Shakespeare.

Allen:  What other projects do you have in works for Bluewater Productions?

Mark: I’ve got two other projects at the moment.  A prequel of sorts for the late great David Carradine’s epic
low-budgeter DEATHSPORT for Bluewater’s ROGER CORMAN PRESENTS line.  That’s a four issue
miniseries with art from Roy Huteson who’s got a gritty style reminiscent of Ben Templesmith and Ashley
Wood.  And I just finished another one-shot for VINCENT PRICE PRESENTS, this time focusing on another
one of my favorites; WITCHFINDER GENERAL.  That one is drawn by Manoel Magalhaes who draws a mean
lookin’ witchhunter.  Trust me.

Allen: What other projects are you working on for other companies? How did you manage to fit Vincent Price
Presents: The Tingler into your schedule?

Mark: I’m also working on a few projects that I can’t really talk about yet with Martin Fisher (writer of RISERS).  
Plus a few more just in the planning stages.  Plus I still act as comic book editor for Ain’t It Cool on
our two weekly comic columns AICN Comics: Shoot the Messenger (news, interview, previews every Monday)
and AICN Comics Reviews (with the rest of the AICN @$$Holes every Wednesday).  Plus of course, my day
job, so I’m keepin’ busy.

Allen: What do you like to do with your limited spare time?

Mark: I try to work out at the gym.  Read as many comics as I can.  Occasionally sleep.  Go to tons of movies.  
Drink alcohol…sometimes too much alcohol.

Allen: What kinds of comic books did you read in your youth? What kinds of comic books do you read at
present time?

Mark: I started out like many folks.  My first comic was the STAR WARS movie adaptation, but I think I read a
ton of old HOUSE OF MYSTERY and HOUSE OF SECRETS comics before that.  I didn’t become a serious fan
of comics until I discovered Marvel and DC super hero comics.  To this day, I still am all over the board when it
comes to what I buy.  I’m mostly a Marvel & DC guy, but the job as editor at AICN has opened my eyes as to
how many cool indie books there are out there.  More and more, I get excited about indie books than I do the
mainstream these days.  

Allen: Are you must be a novel reader? What kinds of novels do you like to read?

Mark: When I have the time, I like to read true crime, mysteries, and how to writing and film books.  But I
honestly don’t have as much time as I would want to read.  Last book I read was Peter David’s TIGERHEART;
a damn fine adventure novel that acts as a sequel to PETER PAN, but stands on its own too.  I’m currently
reading PRIDE & PREJUDICE & ZOMBIES by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith.  It’s a novel of pure

Allen: If you could have any comic book super powers which ones would you like to have?

Mark: I’ve always just wanted to fly.  You don’t know how many times I have wanted to just put my car in park
in the middle of backed-up Chicago traffic and fly my ass out of there.  In comics, powers can get so elaborate
and technical but I think the most amazing (and most overlooked) power is being able to take flight.

Allen: Do you have website? What is best way to contact you?

Mark: You could reach me through AICN Comics at and click on my link on our AICN
Comics pages.  Or you can just email me at

Allen: Thank you Mark Miller for taking time out to do Jazma interview with me. Your time is deeply
appreciated. I hope to do another interview with you again in future. Would you like to close interview with any
final thoughts?

Mark: Thank you for interviewing me.  If you’re a fan of THE TINGLER, you won’t want to miss the sequel.  But
even if you haven’t seen the film (and what the hell is wrong with you if you haven’t!?!?!), we catch you up
really quickly and jump right into the horror-slash-action.  I wanted to honor the coolness of the original film
and push it forward a bit in a direction that shows other aspects of the Tingler and the people in search of it.  
If you like adventure horror, or action macabre as I like to call it, I hope you check VINCENT PRICE
PRESENTS: THE TINGLER #1 in July’s Previews and when it’s out in late September.  
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