October 23rd, 2010

"A Truly Bloody Experience"
Read about the
Top 10 Vampire Books
October 23rd, 2010

"A Truly Bloody Experience"
At the 2010 Vampire Ball we'll be celebrating all
things "Truly Bloody" with a some Dracula thrown in.

Costumed "True Blood" Characters  

2 DJ's
Natalie Liquori from Fascination & Darkness
& David V. from Club Circuitry

Fangtasia Lounge - Meet "Eric"
(Top 40 & Dance Music Provided by KDED
Radio & DJ David V.)

KDED Radio in Fangtasia Lounge
(Commerical spots available for $10.00)

Vampire Dance by

Vampire Go Go Dancers

VIP Room

Blood Fountain

Hair of the Dog Werewolf Bar

Dracula's Castle Dance Hall
(Gothic & Dark 80's  Music Provided by
Natalie Liquori of Darkness & Fascination)

Macabre & Son's Mortuary
(Featuring the "Queen of Louisiana")

Merlotte's Grill
(with food for purchase from
Cafe Americain)

Vampire Video Screens

Beautiful Victorian Decor

Huge Outdoor Patio with Blue Bayou

2 Full Bars


Nix Arts
(Gothic Art by Nick)

Psychic Readings in the Bayou
By Voodoo Queen Stefanie

Mendi by Ash Prakash

Prizes & Raffle
(To benefit Romanian Animal Charity
"Bad Things"
Jace Everett
From the True Blood
Purchase it on Itunes & Amazon
Vampire Articles:
"Vampires DO Exist"
by Staci Butler
Meet "Moni" our little gal in Romania looking for a home
in the USA! Click on "Adoption Center" to meet her!
Have a listen to our
radio Commercial...
Discount Tickets through
Sacramento Perks while
supplies last.
Meet the author of the
NEW Brookehaven
Vampire Series and win
a copy of her new book,
Laney, in our raffle!
Joann I. Martin Sowles